Day 5 – A letter to a celebrity you like…

Dear Jimmy Fallon,

First of all, thank you. Watching your show/YouTube clips cheers me up to no end…even if I’m not sad! I can’t help smiling whenever “Late Night Hashtags” comes on but I always seem to miss them on your twitter.

I think you are a genius.

Thank you for doing a history of rap with Justin Timberlake, I probably got an unnatural amount of joy from it, but thanks all the same.

I hope that there is another person in this world who can make me smile like your show does, only that I actually get to meet them. When I was in New York I kept an eye out for you whenever I left my hotel room. It would be an honour to meet you in person, though I think I would pass out from happiness if that ever came true.

Thanks for being the greatest Late Night host of all time…of all time.

Jess x

Jimmy Fallon